Momentum Australia
Strengthening individuals, through connectivity,
to step into the change they desire
Facilitation & Training
Please review our range of facilitation and training services below. We can customise any of the training to meet your needs, Contact us

The group facilitation skills we, Roger and Jan Curtis, have been trained in and practicing since 1999, are drawn from a combination of Gestalt body/mind, here and now awareness methods and role-plays. With added skills in Bodywork techniques and Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy to access limiting belief systems which anchor self-defeating patterns often acted out in significant relationships.
In our Relationship Patterns and Cycles Workshops we include didactic elements about the Ten Stages of Relationship Patterns and Cycles as a way to inform our clients on a cognitive level about the patterns they are currently acting out, how they developed and what to do to get to a better place in their relationships.
We have also found that informing our clients about the multi-generational transmission process of issues – first developed by Murray Bowen, and most recently referred to as “cellular memory”, gives our clients a context into which they can put their own family’s Journey. This has the immediate effect of explaining their relationship issue, seeing where it has come from in their family-of-origin and back generationally and the possibility of resolution thus preventing the issue continuing down through yet another generation.
We use the Gestalt technique of having the client walk as they talk about their relationship issue to access unconscious material held in the body, which seeks expression through body movements and repetitive statements. As trained Body Workers we are highly attuned to how the body expresses emotion and are adept at using various techniques to support the body in letting go of holding chronic stress patterns.
This helps to connect a person’s body to their emotions, which facilitates rapid and deep access to our client’s inner world thus bypassing a long process of determining what the core issue might be.
If needed we then support the client to express any unexpressed words and emotion through using either their partner if s/he is present or through using other workshop participants as a surrogate to stand in their place. The power of this process offers a deep and lasting resolution and often, in complete abatement or significant reductions of bodily symptoms and mood problems which may have been unresponsive to conventional medical treatments.
We can run workshops for you if;
Your relationship is struggling and you feel stuck.
You are in a new relationship and want to build a firm foundation without repeating past patterns and cycles that didn’t work.
You are combining two families and need support negotiating parenting issues, co-parenting issues, and ex-partners.
Your relationship is strong so far, and you want to continue to learn new skills to be able to navigate your relationship successfully in the future as your lives and circumstances change.
You feel there is no passion in your relationship and you want to learn how to recreate it.
You have experienced a betrayal in your relationship.
You are ending a relationship and want to leave on amicable terms.
In this Relationship Workshop you will learn about the predictable patterns and cycles in relationships, where you are in the cycle, and how to get back to where you want to be.
You will also learn how to support yourselves in your relationship in the future. You will have the opportunity to learn invaluable tools to use for the rest of your life, not just in your primal relationship also in every personal and professional relationship you have now and will in your future.
Please contact us if you would like us to bring a workshop to you.

Listening to Your Body Training
I Invite you to rediscover your unique body messages for yourself in my workshop “Listening to Your Body"
For many years I did not listen to the small messages my body gave me. It was not until I almost crippled myself that I began to listen to my own body and my body responded by rewarding me with less pain and greater freedom of movement.
Pain and stiffness are some of the many ways our body communicate’s with us, if left unresolved this unease can develop into ‘Dis-ease’. When you listen to your body and make a positive change, your body will reward you by feeling better and having more freedom of movement, this is our body’s way of saying well done. Rewarding us for listening to it.
You have 50 trillion + cells in your body, all listening to every thought and belief you have. Every time you say sorry in your life 50 trillion + cells hear ‘I am Wrong’. This can have an accumulating effect on your body. Whilst there is a time and place for an apology to say sorry, it is only when we say sorry out of ‘Habit’ that it becomes a negative experience. Every time we ‘Thank Ourselves’ 50 trillion + cells ’Are flooded with Gratefulness’ and our body’s reward us.
This is a four hour, experiential workshop. I look forward to supporting you to rediscover your body’s messages .

Qi Gong -
18 Buddha Hands
In 2006 while working in Singapore, I attracted into my life a Qigong Teacher, Larry Johnson.O.M.D. L.A.C.
Larry says “18 Buddha Hands offers both dynamic movements with co-ordinated breathing and static standing with quiet mind. Healers and people on a variety of spiritual paths can make use of these exercises to augment their practices while others can use them to help prevent illness and increase vitality.”
I was blessed to have lessons with Larry over three years and have since made this a daily practice in my life. In late 2009 Larry gave his permission for me to teach 18 Buddha Hands.
Each day my practice is a mirror of how I am really feeling. I am having reflected back to me if I am in Growth, Neutral or Protection, by the amount of freedom of movement I have, a physical check in to remind me of the choices I have in my day.
Private lessons are available.

We offer experiential workshops. These workshops are not about sitting back listening to someone talk. We encourage and support you during the course of the workshop to step into the places that you choose to look at and work through the patterns. We salute your courage. We will be there for you.
We can help you move from victim to a place of self empowerment.
We can assist you to move through past hurts and trauma into a place of self Growth.
We offer mediation to those struggling in their relationships.
“Momentum” workshops range from simple massage and bodywork techniques that help participants to understand and manage pain and discomfort, through to comprehensive therapeutic massage techniques. This work employs a combination of my own techniques together with a range of traditional therapies.
In each workshop I assist participants through practical experiential processes. Each person leaves with a better understanding of how magnificent their bodies really are and how to nurture them in order to regain and maintain enhanced health and wellbeing.

Momentum One Training
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein.
This is a 4 hour workshop teaching simple bodywork techniques that will enhance your families wellbeing. Delivered in a simple easy to understand language that will enable you to gain confidence in improving your family’s wellbeing. A small workbook is supplied with a detailed description of each release technique.
I will share with you simple moves that you can share with family and friends, Sacrum, Neck, Headache, Fluid Retention, Sinus and Period Pain release points, that will enhance the quality of life of those you care for.
You will need to bring a yoga mat and small pillow. I have restricted workshops to a maximum of 15 participants so I can give personal attention. Please email for current prices, children under 13 may attend for free.
I look forward to supporting you to discover your own unique miracles.

Momentum Two Training
Following on from Momentum One:
This is a 4 hour workshop teaching simple bodywork techniques that will enhance your families wellbeing. Delivered in a simple easy to understand language that will enable you to gain confidence in improving your family’s wellbeing. A small workbook is supplied with a detailed description of each release technique.
I will share with you simple moves that you can share with family and friends. Sciatic, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Toothache and Arthritis release

Thriving Children Training
I have had the privilege of working with many families assisting them with fertility through to birthing experiences. I have been blessed to include their children in my work.
It is my intention to share in this training with you a few of the many things I have learnt. The points and techniques are only a starting point as you begin your journey of touch. It is my hope you become comfortable enough to allow direction to come from the child you are working with.
This training covers Teething, Fever, Sleep-Calming, Constipation, Congestion, Reflux and Colic Release points.

Relationship Workshop Two Days
This workshop gives you a roadmap to navigate grom disappointment to happiness in your relationship.
Over the last 15 years Roger and Jan have trained extensively in Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual modalities. We are now combining the work of Quantum Physicist’s, Bruce Lipton, Candice Pert and Phoenix Rising Australia, with an age old philosophy enabling a working insight into the “The cycles of Relationship’s”. Learning about this cycle has had an enormous impact on our lives, wellbeing and relationship’s with each other, family and friends. Understanding how the cycles work has given us the ability to resolve and thrive.
This is a workshop for you if;
- Your relationship is struggling and you feel stuck.
- You are in a new relationship and want to build a firm foundation without repeating past patterns.
- Your relationship is strong so far, and you want to continue to learn new skills to be able to navigate your relationship successfully in the future as your lives and circumstances change.
- You have experienced a betrayal in your relationship.
- You are ending a relationship and want to leave on amicable terms.